Profile of Tobias Mahnke-Nissen

End-to-End application test development
Project name FGCenter Tests
Role Conception and implementation
Tooling Xtend, Java, Tapir, Selenium, Chrome Developer Tools, Firebug, Eclipse
Employer b+m Informatik AG
Description Conception and implementation of End-to-End application tests using an inhouse solution for test development
Time period 2016 – 2016
Application development
Project name FGCenter
Role Implementation
Tooling Java EE, Eclipse, Apache Tomcat
Employer b+m Informatik AG
Description Further development of a business application to process subsidies
Time period 2016 – 2016
Chrome extension
Role Conception and implementation
Tooling HTML5, JavaScript, Chrome Extension API, GitHub API, Java 8, Play Framework
Employer self employed
Description Development of a Chrome extension to manage GitHub issues with a task board
Time period 2014 – 2015
Frontend development for mobile devices
Project name SCP_neo
Role Implementation
Tooling Java EE, HTML5, JavaScript, OSPlus, OSPlus_neo, Eclipse, JetBrains WebStorm
Employer b+m Informatik AG
End customer Finanz Informatik GmbH & Co. KG
Description Modernisation of an existing business application focussing on mobile use and a slim UI
Time period 2014 – 2015
Bioinformatics and data management
Project name KuhDaM
Role Backend administration
Tooling SunOS, GNU/Linux, SSH, rsync, shell scripting
Employer Institut für Tierzucht, Uni Kiel
End customer TiDa GmbH
Description Development and implementation of a distributed solution to exchange and process scientific data
Time period 2008 – 2014
Frontend development
Project name SCP (SparkassenCard-Plus)
Role Implementation
Tooling Java EE, OSPlus, Eclipse, IBM WebSphere Liberty, JBoss
Employer b+m Informatik AG
End customer Finanz Informatik GmbH & Co. KG
Description Technical implementation of business specifications for applications for bank counselors in the field of consumer credits
Time period 2014 – 2014
Maintenance of a controlling application
Project name AfB-Controlling
Role Bug fixing and report generation
Tooling PHP
Employer naymspace software, Kiel
End customer Amt für Bundesbau (AfB), Kiel
Description Maintenance of a controlling application, i.e. bug fixing and minor feature enhancements
Time period 2013 – 2013
Browser competitions
Role Conception and implementation
Tooling HTML5, JavaScript, PHP 5, Symfony, Wordpress, Box2D.js, Facebook Graph API
Agency floot design studio, Hamburg
Employer naymspace software, Kiel
End customer Otto GmbH & Co KG, Hamburg
Description Development of a series of browser based competitions in the frontend and backend
Time period 2012 – 2013
HTTPS migration
Role Conception/Implementation
Tooling Apache, Wordpress, PHP 5, Debian GNU/Linux
Agency floot design studio, Hamburg
Employer naymspace software, Kiel
End customer Otto GmbH & Co KG, Hamburg
Description Supporting the end customer migrate a number of blogs from HTTP to HTTPS
Time 2013
HTML5 game
Project name ecoOcean HTML
Role Conception and Implementation
Tooling HTML5, Crafty.js, JavaScript, Symfony, Apache
Employer naymspace software, Kiel
End customer Kiel Cluster of Excellence "Future Ocean"
Description HTML5 adaptation of a Java game to raise awareness for the dangers of overfishing
Time period 2012 – 2013
Server administration
Role Conception and implementation
Tooling GNU/Linux, Debian packaging, LVM, shell scripting, Apache, HTTP/HTTPS, Git, gitolite, SSH, Exim, Postfix
Employer naymspace software, Kiel
Description Conception and implementation of technical administration policies, migration and consolidation of legacy systems, development and realization of security policies, development and installation of a custom backup system
Time period 2012 – 2013
Modelling framework
Project name Modelr
Role Conception and implementation
Tooling Scala (2.10/2.11), Akka, RabbitMQ, parser combinators, reflection, IntelliJ IDEA, sbt, ScalaTest
Employer naymspace software, Kiel
End customer SOCIOEC EU Project
Description Conception and implementation of a programming framework to design and execute modellings with a focus on space and time aspects
Time period 2012 – 2013
Wordpress plugin to create and publish video clips
Project name ARTE short film festival: The longest night (Die längste Nacht)
Role Backend development
Tooling FFmpeg, mkvtoolnix, HTML5-Video, cross browser compatibility, php-resque (job queueing), Vimeo API
Agency floot design studio, Hamburg
Employer naymspace software, Kiel
End customer ARTE Creative (ARTE G.E.I.E.)
Description Conception and implementation of a Wordpress plugin for merging HTML5 compatible video files and uploading to Vimeo
Time 2013
Dynamic creation of product images
Project name Bootsmann Kiel Taschenkonfigurator
Role Algorithm development
Tooling HTML5-Canvas, (pure) JavaScript, image blend modes, cross browser compatibility, Magento
Agency Solades, Kiel
Employer naymspace software, Kiel
End customer Bootsmann - Taschenmanufaktur
Description Development of a method to dynamically create high-quality and realistic product images; Conception for the product configuration tool for Magento (backend)
Time 2013
Serious Gaming
Project name ecoOcean
Role Conception and Implementation
Tooling Java, LWJGL, OpenGL, SQLite
Agency Dingsbums Media
Employer naymspace software, Kiel
End customer Expo 2012 Korea "The Living Ocean and Coast"
Description Implementation of an extensive request of modification for a multiplayer game (inhouse solution)
Time 2012
Data management
Project name kd
Role Conception and implementation
Tooling Perl, SQLite, shell scripting
Employer Institute of Animal Breeding and Husbandry, Kiel University
Description Development of a middleware to process regularly updated scientific data
Time period 2009 – 2012
Diploma thesis
Project name souq
Role Conception and implementation
Tooling Perl, Moose, MessagePack, event driven programming (AnyEvent), OpenSSL
Employer self employed
Description Development and implementation of a distributed solution to exchange and process scientific data
Time period 2011 – 2012
Web application
Project name kalin
Role Conception, implementation and training
Tooling Perl, CGI::Application, JavaScript, jQuery, RTF (text format), charsets and encodings
Agency ADT Projekt GmbH
Employer self employed
End customer Kaliningrad Center for Animal Breeding
Description Collaboration on the project "Contributions to enhance the value-added chain of milk in Kaliningrad Oblast" of the German ministry of food and agriculture (BMEL): Conception and implementation of a management application for milk analysis data for the Kaliningrad Center for Animal Breeding in Chernyakhovsk (Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia)
Time period 2008 – 2012
Embedded real-time sensor system
Project name Grufu
Role Conception and implementation
Tooling ANSI C, Turbo C 2.01, RS-232/485
Employer Institute of Animal Breeding and Husbandry, Kiel University
Description Conception and implementation of embedded system software (Intel 80186 architecture) for the real-time analysis of feeding behaviour of dairy cattle
Time period 2005 – 2008